Thursday, October 15, 2009


Hello. My name is Marion Franklin Miller, and I'm currently enrolled in several computer science classes at Santa Ana College. I'm a 62 year old Black male, and I was born living at least haft of my life in Dayton, Ohio. I have two (2) sons (Derrick & Chris) who look and act just like me (duplicate copies if you will) even though they have different birth mothers. I never married either of my sons' mothers. I did marry once, but I've been divorced for approximately 25 years. I came to California in 1974 hoping to utilize my musical skills (guitar, saxophone, clarinet, harmonica, and vocals) to achieve fame and fortune (smile). Instead, and in spite of really liking the California music scene, I opted for the security of "a day job(s)" as appose to enduring the financial suffering (paying your dues) that is always attendant (unless your just plain Lucky) to the lives of starting musicians.

While I've already earned an AA Degree in social science, and acquired approximately 25 upper division units in psychology, I'm now seeking another AA Degree in computer science, or skill certification, in order to become more competitive in the current labor market, and to utilize the computer skills that I'm acquiring to also improve other areas of my personal life. I'm creating this Blog as a college homework assignment, and while I already have one (1) blog entitled "The Picture," I'm enjoying creating this class assignment blog for several different reason. The primary reason being that I'm getting better at creating a blog site, and in using computer software to maximize the advantages garnered through informed computer use. Oh, and by the way, I'm 5'10," 165 lbs., brown/blue eyes, grey hair, and in really good condition for an old guy (smile).

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